March 7, 2013

Standing here

Standing here, at this juncture, wanting to move ahead, but not sure how to place the step. That is what I am talking about. It is a difficult climb getting back into the work space, and moreover when you seem lost, as to what would I do, what is it that I can do. Just not easy to not know and feel lost. Am not liking this. And as on such occasions, I feel safe in just stepping into the kitchen and working on something wherein I would know I would be occupied away from these thoughts. Not good, but thats how it is at present.

So, whats cooking today?

Oven roasted potatoes
Tomato soup

The potatoes finally came out right with the perfect mix of rosemary, paprika and parmesan cheese. Adapted from Rak's Kitchen

The Tomato soup was a little too thick to my liking. I think I should have used way less tomatoes. Next time.. This is something I saw from a Sanjeev Kapoor cooking book series which I have.

Pizza was a grand success, and this was my maiden attempt at making the pizza sauce and base all by myself.

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